This is the conversion chart which you can refer to.
This chart is based on a formula:
HbA1c = [Mean plasma glucose (mmol/L) + 4.29]
In order for you to remember the formula easily, you can actually use a simpler formula:
HbA1c = [Mean plasma glucose (mmol/L) + 5]
Bear in mind, this is just an estimation.
Are you suggesting by the GREEN COLOR that an HbA1c of 7.0 (154 mg/dl or 8.5 mmol/l) is "good" ? Yes, it is "good" if you do not mind diabetes side effects to occur in about 20 years... An AVERAGE of 155 mgs/dl means that there were many instances of blood glucose probably much higher than 180 mg/dl (and some instances of 130 mg/dl) This is extremely high, according to Dr. Richard Bernstein, who says he has seen diabetes side effects in persons with HbA1c of 6.0 (about 120 mg/dl)